Reach Us
Some people under-estimate us when we say that we're trying to reach ALL of New York! Think I'm bluffing? Try me! Reach Us at ReachNYCdotcom on AIM at any given time!
We're accessible 24/7! Stop by and instant message me. If I don't respond...I'm on the train....or asleep!
You can also reach us through MySpace
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Spider-Man 3 is currently filming in New York City, thru Sunday. They're filming evenings at the cross-section of Pine and William Streets. pics here.
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'Former' teen-idol Britney Spears says she is fed up with New York, and will only return if she has to. What Spears thought was going to be an escape from her problems and air-head husband, turned into a hell of a trip. IMO: New York's been [K-] fed up with Spears, and she is the one who should be ALLOWED to come back ONLY if she has to!
Now here's welcoming news, Jennifer Aniston on the other hand, wants to move to New York.
The Apple store set up cameras to record the first 24 hours of the stores grand opening. A New Yorker saw this opportunity to propose to his girlfriend. Not bad...creative and inexpensive...but what must his friends think?
NY's highest court will decide today whether New York City can allow same-sex marriages. Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, and Mayor Bloomberg are pro-same-sex marriages, but will not make issue licenses unless the court rules in favor.
NY Knick, Stephon Marbury has proclaimed he wants to die a Knick. Im sure many New Yorkers would love to make his dream come true. It seems like "maybe next season" has become the teams motto.
"If I ever was to be cremated, I'd want my ashes sprinkled on top of the Garden." - Marbury
Coming June 26th is the PrideFest festival, celebrating New York's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender lifestyle. The result is a massive parade down 5th Ave. It takes on special significance this year as this is the 25th year since the official recognition of the AIDS pandemic.
New York state Democrats designate Attorney General Spitzer as candidate for governor
Nike and Apple Team Up to Launch Nike+iPod.
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About 200 years ago, the Commissioners' Plan of 1811, laid out a grid of 155-parallel streets on the island of Manhattan, creating a Stonehenge-like array that would directly catch the sun's rays on May 28 and July 12.
"Manhattanhenge," [pictured] was born. a happy coincidence of urban planning and astrophysics that occurs when the setting sun lines up exactly with every parallel street north of 14th Street. [source:NewsDay]
Imagine a beach on the Hudson; home of industrial waste and dead bodies. Woah.
If you ever had to do the walk of shame after being manhandled at a NightClub by Unproffesional Bouncers, I guess now is a good time to jump on the bandwagon.
NYC Students trace the history of slavery in New York, in an attempt to bring into the light New York's involvement in the Slave handling. Seeing how its catching on like wild fire, I think it should end up in school literature.
Did You Know?
New York was second only to Charleston, S.C in its involvement in the slave trade in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The World Trade Center was the site of the 1712 Slave Rebellion.
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A new tape of Bin Laden , which has been deemed as 'genuine' by experts was released today. Osama, states he was in charge of the 19 hijackers on September 11th. Bin Laden also claims that he never assigned Zacarias Moussaoui to the deadly mission. He also believes that all of the detainees currently being held in lock-up at Guantanamo are innocent and were incarcerated by the U.S. only to justify the cost of the war on terror. Im surprised Bill O'Reilly hasnt been able to get his hands on Osama...that'll be the day...
A new new study at the University of California Los Angeles claims Marijuana is not linked to cancer. Don't starting reaching for your papers just yet... While this is definitely a positive, there still are alot of negatives. Marijuana tar contained about 50 percent more of the chemicals linked to lung cancer, compared with tobacco tar.
7 World Trade Center, the last building to fall following the 9/11 attacks, is ironically the first building erected.
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Gov Pataki offers tax cuts that will save consumers at the gas pump.
Bigamist Afghan dies after being splashed with lye. Rehmatullah Azeezullah planned to fly to Afghanistan this week, where he was set to wed a second wife, before even finalizing divorce on his first marriage.
An empty bus hit and killed a 7 yr old 2nd grader in Brooklyn. She was crossing the street, when she was run over by the bus, ...which was empty?
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Shout out to Sky-O on his victory in the rap battle at Kingston Park in Brooklyn, Saturday night. Sky-O aka 'The Prince Of the Stuy' came in focused to battle one person, but didn't leave until he scorched through his third consecutive rapper! We need more of that around, face to face battles are nearly extinct in Brooklyn, this kids bringing it way back! show him some love.
Also look forward to SKY-O's Mixtape: SKY'S THA LIMIT VOL 2: Tha Rebirth.
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Check out our latest endorsed T-shirt. We already know we're your favorite site next to MySpace, now tell the world.
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R&B Crooner Mariah Carey was rumored to have eaten at the same dinner table as New York Mob boss Greg De Palma [pictured]. The allegations were made by former FBI agent Joaquin Manuel Garcia, during his testimony in 74-year-old De Palma's racketeering trial.
City parks are urging visitors to BYOB.... Bring Your Own Blanket. Parks will be offering FREE viewing of many Hollywood classics such as 'Rocky', 'The Wizard Of Oz' and more. Your also encouraged to bring your own snacks, just clean up after yourselves!
A Bronx man led cops on a 30-block chase along the FDR, after being pulled over. Charges pending include, attempted murder, reckless endangerment and assault.
New York Police are warning about Cell Phone guns. Police overseas have reportedly discovered a stash of .22's disguised as cell phones, and worry where these could land.
Prisons and jails added more than 1,000 inmates each week for a year, putting almost 2.2 million people, or one in every 136 U.S. residents, behind bars by last summer.
U.S. Immigration Officials executed pre-dawn raids in Western NY, which resulted in the arrest of 34 illegal immigrants. The arrests were carried out while the un-documented immigrants were going!
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Local Gay experts reveal New York's top Gay-friendly resources.
Yellow cabs to take initiative and begin switch to alternative fuel taxis.
Brooklyn President Marty Markowitz inaugurates Turkish Day
Sudanese refugees are turning to New York for a safe-haven away fromravaged country.
New York State will be cracking down on those that don't buckle up during the Memorial Day holiday. From May 22nd to June 4th, New York State Police Troop will be enforcing "Buckle Up New York" Drivers and front-seat passengers who are 16 years of age and older may be fined up to $50 for failing to buckle up. Drivers who fail to have children properly secured may be fined $100 and receive three points on their license.
Jean Philippe Peguero shines as New York Red Bulls defeat Chivas USA 5-4, for their first victory.
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NY Minute
The Big Apple
Today marks the grand opening of Apple Computers, Inc new Apple store on 5th Ave. The boutique location makes its mark with a 32-foot level glass-cube on street level. The store will be open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.
A staff of nearly 300 will serve customers around the clock, including on-site support for Apple products at the store's Genius Bar. There will be over 100 Macs and almost 200 iPods for customers to try. The store also boasts the world's largest collection of accessories for Mac computers and iPod.
Rapper Gravy blasts Hot97.
Queens man sentenced to 7 years for biting cop.
NYC parks soon to offer web access.
Bush approval lowest ever in NY.
NY cop charged in cocaine theft conspiracy.
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Girl Fight!
A fued could be brewing between Pop divas Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera. The bad blood stems from comments made by Christina during an interview with GQ.
"One time, we were at a party and I think she [Mariah] got really drunk, and she had just really derogatory things to say to me," Aguilera told the magazine. "But it was at that time that she had that breakdown, so she might have been very medicated."
"I had hoped that Christina was in a better place now than the last time I saw her, when she showed up uninvited at one of my parties and displayed questionable behavior. It is sad yet predictable that she would use my name at this time to reinvent past incidents for her promotional gain," "It is in my heart to forgive and I will keep her in my prayers." Mariah Carey shot back during an interview with Access Hollywood.
I don't see this going too far though, as Aguilera waved the white flag when contacted for comment.
"My intentions were not to upset Mariah with any statements that were published or taken out of context. I have all the respect in the world for her."
Yea, I would respect Mariah too...after she put up those numbers! It's obvious a persons power is in their sales, so I see Mariah having the obvious upper hand in this one, but I wouldn't mind seeing them take this all 12 rounds.
Singer Jennifer Lopez is reportdely awaiting her first child with current husband, Mark Anthony. Lopez appeared at the Alma Awards in L.A. apparently with a bulge in her waist. To fuel rumors even further, Lopez sported natural 'grey roots' in her hair, which is rare, of the usually on point singer. Lopez also canceled a concert the following day, giving us more reason to talk.
Gay Aiken?
Former American Idol, Clay Aiken has found himself in more boy trouble than he can apparently handle. A few months ago, one of Aikens internet lovers came out publicly, addressing an alleged tryst with the singer. Now, the alleged lover has come out swinging, saying he lied about his age. People believed him to be 22, now he's saying he was only 17 at the time. It gets worse for old boy aiken, as his lover boy plans to come out with his story publicly! What is he going to do? write a book about his love life with Aiken?
Clinton releasing follow-up to best-seller.
Former Beatle, Paul McCartney confirms separation from wife. If the divorce is finalized, Heather McCartney is set to recieve upto $494 million. Heather Mills, 38, who shares a child with Paul, have been together for four years. If theres any easier way to obtain over $400 million...please let me know! I ain't sayin' she a gold digger....You know the rest.
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World News
Big Boy Toy
The world's biggest passenger airliner landed at Europe's busiest airport Thursday to test whether London's Heathrow is ready for the Airbus A380. This double-decker plane has a list price of $300 million, and requires around $800 million in repairs to the airport recieving these crafts landing.
16 airlines have already pre-ordered the plane, which should take its first public flight in novemeber, 6 months behind schedule. Singapore Airlines Ltd. will be the first carrier to put the plane into passenger service by the end of the year.
Windows Vista
In a bid to assure that most consumers have a computer powerful enough to run the new Windows Vista, Microsoft launched a website that will determine whether your current PC is capable of running the new operating system. The website provides information and a variety of tools customers can use to prepare for the Vista.
Breaking News: N. Korea readying missle launch.
Four Soldiers, and their Iraqi interpreter were killed by a roadside bomb Thursday.
They keep insisting eaves-dropping on our calls is 'legal'.
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Baller Blockin
NY Knicks coach Larry Brown will swallow his pride [pictured] before accepting a buyout from the Knicks. The $25 million buyout offer, which is the rumored amount Brown will recieve from his $40 million paycheck, would be good money to walk away with, but Brown who takes pride in what he does, states he will not negotiate a buy out. The only way to get rid of Brown would be to fire him, which from what I hear is not possible, being that Larry Brown has a clause in his contract which states that he cannot be fired from his position, nor can he quit mid season. But who knows, these things change daily, I don't see Brown changing his stance, and look for the Knicks to come out swinging this year! Put my money where my mouth is.
Kobe x 3 =24?
LA Lakers franchise, Kobe Bryant has decided to let go of the number "8" he sports on his jersey. Beginning next season, Bryant will change his number to "24". This seems to be an omen of some kind, when players change their number. It didn't work for Jordan, but I see this as an evolution of some sort, Lakers might be a problem next year.
"No. 8 has been with me for a while obviously," Bryant told TNT. "I just felt it was time to move on and do something different. When I came back from Italy and I came to the States to play, the first number I selected was number 24. It is kind of a new beginning for me, and that's what the second half of my career is all about."
Cardinals rout Mets 6-3.
Dallas Guard Terry suspended from game 6.
Rangers top Yankees 6-2.
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5.17.2006 Events
When: May 19, 2006 [Photos & Signing 6 p.m.] Seminar begins at 7:30pm
Where: EXODUS GYM - 510-12 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211
For Ticket and Info: Anna R. Regalado 888-924-1434 or here
Ccorebody Structuring, a leading fitness service founded by Anna R. Regalado, who is a Certified master training/basic nutrition has been hosting several events all week around New York City promoting health fitness and nutrition. With America in a vegetative state when it comes to obesity [pun] CcoreBody is looking to educate those looking to improve their physical state.
This Friday, May 19th CcoreBody Structuring will be hosting Training & Nutrition session at Exodus Gym, featuring six-time Mr.Olympia winner Dorian Yates. For those that show up an hour earlier, there will be autograph signing. Be sure to pass through, as these events are beneficial to those that are not disciplined enough to motivate ourselves. Tell them sent you!
For more info visit Ccorebody
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NY Minute
According to a survey conducted by the StrapHangers Campaign, New York City subways have gotten dirtier, with less than half meeting standards for interior cleansiness.
The 8th annual "subway shmutz" survey, found the E and M train-lines so dirty that more than 95 percent of their cars were found to have dirt-encrusted seats or floors. The survey, conducted on 22 subways lines, from Sept. 2nd to January 5th, took into account only the cleanliness of floors and seats, litter and graffiti are not considered. These inspections mirror those use by the Transit Agency's own inspectors.
The 4 line, was considered the cleaness (Brooklyn!!!), while the 1 line was considered most improved...I wonder if they took into account the number of train dwellers that live in these cars from day to day, cause that certainly has an affect on my commute.
Violin sells for $3.5 million at Christie's NY.
A 16-yr old began shouting threats in a New York airport causing fear and panic. "It's time to die!" shouted the teen as he reached into his backpack. Officers were able to detain the teen, and later determined he had not been carrying any dangerous material. He was taken to a hospital for evaluation, and then will be arraigned in Cheektowaga Town Court.
NY Morgan library re-opens.
DNA proves man's innocence after 10 years..
New York to make voting polls accessible to Handicap.
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DJ Scratch, producer of Busta Rhymes upcoming single, 'New York S**t' has told, he's laying the blue-print down for New York's comeback [in the hip-hop industry]. Scratch revealed that there will be four remixes to the single which is picking up heavy rotation in New York.
Scratch is being very quiet and keeping all names secret, but he did mention that the artists who made appearances on the song are "heavyweights"! This is interesting, especially after what Busta Rhymes did with "Touch It". Post a few comments, and tell me who you think will make guest appearances on this hot track.
The Tony Awards were announced today in New York. "The Drowsy Chaperone" garnered 13 nominations including best musical, director, actor and actress. Oprah Winfrey's 'The Color Purple' came in close second, with 11 nominations.
Pete Doherty squirts blood at MTV cameras.
Britney Spears under fire again by Child Welfare.
Bono Plays Editor for a day, rallies AIDS help.
Christian groups plan anti-Davinci boycotts, hunger strikes.
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Legendary boxer Roy Jones Jr (49-4, 38 KOs) has decided to dust off his gloves and return to the ring. Jones, who hasn't fought in 10 months, will make his return on July 29 when he faces "Prince" Badi Ajamu (25-2-1, 14 KOs) for the North American Boxing Organization's light heavyweight title at Qwest Arena in Boise, Idaho.
Even though Jones who has held titles in 4 respective divisions, was the best pound for pound fighter in his prime, he has lost his last 3 fights.
In My Opinion:
Roy Jones Jr, who's arguably the best entertainer in the Boxing world since Mike Tyson made his exit, can fight just for satisfaction, he has nothing left to prove. But reality sets in...He's been knocked out twice in his last three fights...And they weren't very pretty. This dude "Prince" Badi doesn't look like a push-over, but come on, only a fool would bet against Roy Jones right now. He still has enough left to make you lean back. He might be passed his prime but you can bet he'll put on a show worth your money!
Heat eliminate Nets.
Rangers beat Yanks 4-2.
Agent: Brown not leaving Knicks.
Bonds getting impatient, SF win.
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Local News
High School senior, Samantha Guzman, 18, weeks away from graduating was brutally gunned down in the Bronx on Mother's Day, in an attack that's left one mother grieving, and a whole community in shock.
Accounts vary of what happened, but it's been confirmed that Guzman was with three others, when thugs targeted them for unknown reasons and violently shot at the teens, fatally wounding Guzman.
It's not even summer and fools are already trigger happy. Things are getting sad in New York, it's best we put the guns down. Condolences to the family of Samantha Guzman.
Burglar stuck in Chimney, saved by tenant.
Robert Deniro interested in purchasing New York Observer.
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World News
President [32% approval-rate] Bush has proposed stationing National Guard Troops along the U.S.-Mexico border in and effort to keep illegal immigrants out. A few thousand troops will [reportedly] be stationed alongside the current 200-strong Border Patrol.
Even though they're trying to sweep this one under the rug, mixed feelings are arising as a cause of Mr President's latest move. Southerners are furious, claiming they can use the extra support in New Orleans. Bush is scheduled to speak tonight at 8 p.m. EDT, and visit the border in Arizona on Thursday. As usual, we'll listen closely to his coached speeches, but when did America lose its voice? There's obviously no going back to pre-9-11 days so...Welcome to the New World people.
Haiti elects its first leader in 2 years.
Officials warn Merapi volcano can erupt at any time.
52 dead in Brazil's deadliest assault ever.
Florida teen dies of injuries suffered in Tel Aviv bombing.
Climate change may kill millions in Africa.
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Seeing who can do the most push-ups,or bag the best chick are all traditional ways to prove your manhood, but the Knitting Factory has taken manly competition to a whole new plain. On Tuesday, the New York City Beard and Mustache Championships will take place in order to prove who's the top facial hair grower of the city and beyond.
To liven up the dullness of the event, Live Musicians and comedians are scheduled to perform. The contest will soon be celebrated in a documentary called "Splitting Hairs." It'll be interesting to find out whats up for grabs if you win first prize...
Star released on bail.
Model falls out of moving bus looking for bathroom.
General Motors to retire Original H1 Hummer.
132-Year-Old Rural NY General Store for Sale.
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New Jersey Nets Forward Pifford [Clifford] Robison has been suspended for 5 games without pay for violating the NBA's drug policy for the second time in two years. Robison tested positive for marijuana.
This means Pifford will miss atleast the rest of the Eastern Conference Semi-finals. This at a time, when they could use bodies to throw at Shaq. This is the second time he's been caught, last year being the first while playing for the Warriors. To make matters worse, the Nets can't replace him with any one else on the roster, leaving them with only an 11 man roster.
Sounds like the NBA have found their Ricky Williams. David Stern loves flexing his muscles and these dudes give him reason to. Thats something you save for the off-season. And Jay wants to move the Nets to Brooklyn? Leave Pifford at home, cause there's no way he's leaving that stuff alone out here...
D. Wade scorches Nets, take 3-1 lead.
Clippers regain confidence, ties series 2-2.
Injured Nowitzki carries Mavs to victory over Spurs, lead series 2-1.
Cavs defeat Pistons behind Lebron's triple-double, trail series 2-1.
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Reach Us
Some people under-estimate us when we say that we're trying to reach ALL of New York! Think I'm bluffing? Try me! Reach Us at ReachNYCdotcom on AIM at any given time!
We're accessible 24/7! Stop by and instant message me. If I don't respond...I'm on the train....or asleep!
You can also reach us through MySpace
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Weekend guide:
Forecaster's are predicting a rainy weekend, guess your picnics canceled! But, don't stay indoors, go see a comedy show. Catch comedian Chris Kanik at the Improv Cafe. This young comedian will have you at the tip of your seat with his edgy humor. Also featuring Yannis Pappas, Matty Goldberg, Sean Murphy and Donnell "Ashy Larry" Rawlings (on select dates), hosted by Josh Spear.
Where: The Improv Cafe
53rd st. (bt. 8th & 9th ave)
New York, NY
When: Every Saturday Night at 11:30pm
Contact: (212)757-2323
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Your News
A New York Superior Court Judge has lifted the ban on rap stars at the violence-plagued location of Hot 97. The ruling goes into effect immediately, but since their is a 4-day in advance notice of appearance rule, artists cannot begin visiting the station until Tuesday. Rapper's enterouge's are still banned from the building, and according to the judge, Hot97 must pay to maintain an armed security guard posted outside.
The District Council of Carpenters Pension Fund is trying to evict the Emmis stations after three rap-related shootings in five years.Andy Warhol`s 'Pepper Pot,' a depiction of a Campbell`s soup can, has sold at Christie`s auction house for $11.8 million. 11.8..million? About to start working on my Chef Boyardee masterpiece!
J.K. Rowling, John Irving, and Stephen King will read selections from their own work during two benefit performances at Radio City Music Hall this summer.
Rowling, a resident of Edinburgh, Scotland famously known for creating Harry Potter, has not visited the U.S. since 2000. “An Evening With Harry, Carrie & Garp” will be held Aug. 1-2. Tickets go on sale Friday.
Forecasters warn NY to prepare for Hurricane.
Buffalo, NY soldier killed in Afghanistan.
Depressed, Obese man walks from California to New York.
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Barry Bonds went 0-3 in a loss against the Cubs, Wednesday night. Bonds with 713 career homeruns, is one homerun shy of tying Babe Ruth for second on the career list. Hank Aaron sits atop the list with 755 career homeruns.
Aaron who is African-American endured death threats as he surpassed Babe Ruth's total. In my lovely opinion, I see Barry Bonds breaking Babe Ruths record of 714 home runs, and voluntarily not breaking Hank Aaron's record. Result? Two African-Americans at the top of Major League Baseball's homerun record. Not trying to open old wounds, but after everything African-Americans experienced just to be able to play the sport on a professional level, I can't be mad at Barry.
Clippers eclipse Suns by 25, even series at 1-1.
Miami turns up the heat on Nets, even series.
3 Yankees homer, as NY beats Red Sox.
Mets rout Phillies 13-4, end 9-game winning streak.
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Entertainment News
Power 105.1 Fires Star, for child-rape remarks. Now you know I gotta put my two cents on this one. As stupid as any and all of his past stunts were, I found them to be for entertainment and cruel humor, but saying you want to "R. Kelly" someone's 4-yr old daughter is late signs of a mental disorder. The 4-yr old girl being mentioned is daughter of DJ Envy, of rival station Hot97.
"Now, again, to the woman, who carried that little mongrel for 9
months. ... I'm coming for your seed. Did you hear me? (*thump, thump,
thump* noise) I want to do an R. Kelly in the mouth of your seed fam.
You holla at me now I'm the easiest man in the world to find.
*snickers* And my name is The Hater. You holla back now, DJ Envy."
"Let me see now, uh, DJ Benji attention! In case you didn't hear
me, I said, I want to put some mayonnaise in between your baby girl's
ass crack and take a bite."
Gayle King to replace Star Jones on the view?
Diddy to pay $19,000 a month for child-support.
Columbian-American Singer Soraya Dies.
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"Insane" David Blaine
After spending 8 days in an 8ft. sphere filled with water, David Blaine's final trick was spending 8 minutes under water with no oxygen, while trying to free himself from the chains tied around his hands and legs.
If you caught the two-hour special last night, you know that Blaine did not succeed in his attempt to break the record for longest time spent under water with out oxygen. In fact, Blaine almost didnt make it. After 7 minutes, he began to convulse, and divers ran in to save him. His hands and feet were so affected by the 8 days in the water that they looked boiled. He also encountered liver problems. If you missed the event, here's a clip of the finale. I searched high and wide, this is the best clip available on the net, sorry for the quality.
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New York Roast
Tajmere Clark seemed like a posterchild for beauty, but I'm sure this is not what her parents had in mind. In a bid to stay ahead of other New York periodicals, the NY Post released this sad picture of Clark being carried out by a police officer.
Who in their right mind, can stomach seeing their own child losing blood, and possible already dead on the front of a newspaper! These people are insane, and will do anything to sell you a copy of their paper. I wouldve been upset to the point of violence had that been my child. To put the cherry on top, they patted themselves on the back, "Photo Exlcusive". Disgusting. R.I.P. Tajmere Clark.
P.S. if this makes your stomach churn like it did mine, send all your hate mail, comments and suggestions to:
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New York City School teacher's are furious over content posted on, by their own students., a MySpace-ish website for high-schoolers seems to have little supervision for the big responsibility that they're putting on their shoulders, by becoming a platform for teens.
School officials have officially banned the website, citing many reasons including, teens threatening each other, making fun of teachers and principals, and a major issue is that a few teenage females have been caught taking pictures in bikini's and thongs. These people don't miss a beat. Seems obvious that the more you try to restrict something, the higher the demand for that service is, so why are they making such a huge deal over this? Parents should always be the first line of defense when it comes to teens online.
Disney fries relationship with Mcdonald's.
More PS3 Tid-bits.
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World News
Sony corp, the world's largest maker of video-game systems, will finally unveil its next console, PS3 (PlayStation 3) today at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles.
Sony is looking to smash Microsoft's run with the Xbox 360. The PS3's special features include Blu-ray (Sony's new technology for playing high-definition DVDs), wireless internet connections, and a new Cell Chip. I'm hearing the Cell Chip is very new technology and makes the system about 35 times faster than the PlayStation 2 and will display details such as how a light reflects in a character's eye, or strands of hair moving after a gust of wind.
These dudes over at Sony are going to have a hard time getting me to stop playing this Call Of Duty 2:Live for Xbox360. First they said it would come out in March, now they're saying November. It might be worth a try though. They're predicting the console to sell for $499, but I've heard of upto $600. Sony also will be releasing the PS3 in three different colors, Silver, White, and Black.
Iran says will ignore UN nuclear demands.
Last U.S. survivor of Titanic dies.
Family kicked out of Buffet Restaurant.
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Sports Update:
Wow! For all De La Hoya doubters, last night was a rude awakening. Ricardo Mayorga, the silent favorite to win the fight, came in as expected, looking for a quick knockout, but De La Hoya put a stop to that with a vicious left hook that stumbled Mayorga to the canvas in the first round.
From there De La Hoya dominated with his jab and left hand all day. By the 6th round Mayorga could barely keep his hands up and was the victim of a few too many unanswered punches; the ref stopped the fight in the 6th round, winner De La Hoya by knockout. Next? Oh yes.."Pretty Boy" Floyd Mayweather. Thats going to be a classic!
Suns destroy Lakers by 31, advance to semi-finals.
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Where The Party At?
Where: Bonafide's
60, 2nd ave bt. 3rd and 4th st
New York, NY 10001
When: Saturdays
Ladies (18+) in FREE all night!
Gents (21+) - $15 cover
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Your News
Six men were shot yesterday in Brooklyn in four seperate incidents that left two men dead, and 4 others in the hospital.
A 19-year old was fatally shot last night at around 10p.m. as he stood outside. Two men riding on bicycles opened fire at Sterling Place and Nostrand. The victim was taken to Kings County Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
A half-hour earlier, a 17-year old and an 18-year old were shot on East 105th. As of press time, both victims were reported in stable condition.
Less than a quarter mile away, a 16 and 19-year old were also shot, and taken to the hospital and listed in stable condition. In a seperate incident, at about 7:30pm, a 27-year old man was shot while arguing with a group of other men. The 27-year old, identified as Jamal Ford, was shot in the head and chest and pronounced dead on arrival at Brookdale Hospital.
Not surprisingly, NO arrests were made. This puts alot of pressure on the NYPD, who recently began setting up cameras all over Brooklyn neighborhoods. As a Brooklyn resident, I can feel it in the air. This summer's going to be HOT, and I ain't talking about the weather.
Taxi Driver arrested in hate crime.
NYPD's senior counterterrorism official resigns.
A warning about NY home insurance.
Cost for Ground Zero memorial: $1 Billion.
Klein willing to negotiate cell phones in school.
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The day has come for Oscar DeLa Hoya and Ricardo Mayorga to finally shut up and fight! This is one of my most anticipated fights of the year, as these two are totally opposites. Mayorga is my favorite to win the fight, but the Golden Boy does seem confident. What makes this fight real interesting is that these two fighters are at a cross-roads in their career, and need this win badly.
Both fighters are coming out of retirement and hope to capitalize off the publicity. Mayorga recently threatened to pull out of the fight, stating he was unhappy with his share of the purse, but took back his words and says he will fight. I say this is over in 8 rounds, with De La Hoya catching a charlie horse and falling to the canvas, moaning in pain.
Mets put away Braves in 14 innings.
Yankees end Rangers 6-game streak.
Artest injured, Spurs advance.
Cavaliers advance for first time in 13 years.
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World News
Researchers have identified a new type of cricket in caves in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument in northwestern Arizona. The rare discovery was made by Northern Arizona University doctoral candidate J. Judson Wynne and National Park Service researcher Kyle Voyles.
The new found cricket-relative has yet to be named. Researchers hope to learn of its habits and reproduction cycle. Interestingly out of 1,000 known caves in Arizona, only 3 percent have been thoroughly analyzed by Biologists...maybe that's where Bin Ladens hiding?...
Iraqi's cheer crash of British helicopter.
10 U.S. soldiers killed in Copter Crash in Afghanistan.
U.N. urges fast turnaround in Darfur.
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Entertainment News
Nas, Talib Kweli, Common, Erykah Badu, J*Davey, Angélique Kidjo and Mos Def have all been confirmed to perform alongside The Roots at Radio City Music Hall, on May 18th and 19th. This legendary roster is set to rock the stage, along with many surprise guests. This is the first time The Roots will have the chance to rock the stage at Radio City, it's going to be a crazy show.
The list of performer's is pretty impressive, but I'll also be looking out to see who's in attendace! It's going to be a memorable night. The Roots will be promoting their upcoming album, Game Theory, but the concerts are also a charity event for J. Dilla, who recently passed.
Pete Doherty sells phone for a fix, personal messages become public.
Source Magazine Founder files for Bankruptcy protection.
Snoop Dogg banned from BritishAirways for life.
Lil Cease to release Reality Check, hopes to clear name as a Snitch.
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Breaking News: Moussaoui sentenced to life
A federal jury has decided that Zacarias Moussaoui should spend the rest of his life in jail. Moussaoui is the first person convicted in the WTC attacks. Although he was behind bars on September 11th, he pleaded guilty last year to terrorism conspiracy.
During the trials month long penalty phase, jurors heard the doomed voices of office workers inside the World Trade Center calling 911 for help and listened to the first public playing of the cockpit voice recorder of United Airlines Flight 93.
"America, you lost," Moussaoui stated, clapping his hands as he left the courtroom. "I won." Moussaoui will be formally sentenced tomorow at 10am.
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Helio, LLC announced the immediate release of their new mobile service specifically designed for the connected user.
Their first release will include the 'Hero' and 'KickFlip'. These are very high-end data devices with phones as secondary use. Services provided include MySpace on Helio, video messaging and streaming, picture and text messaging, 2D and 3D games, and mobile Internet and Yahoo! Search.
The devices will retail from $250-$300, and plans starting at $85. The service will be available through Helio, (888)-88-Helio and at 1,000 retail locations by the end of May, said the company, which is a joint venture between wireless carrier SK Telecom and Internet service provider EarthLink.
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New York State, once again led the nation in the number of criminal wiretaps in 2005. State Judges approved 17 percent more wiretaps, while federal criminal wiretaps dropped 14 percent, across the country.
Overall, court-approved wiretaps increased by 4 percent to 1,773 in both state and federal. Now this is jaw dropping, out of all the applications put in for permission to wiretap, ONLY 1 was denied! Its not a game.
New York prosecutors reported 391 wiretap applications, California, 235; New Jersey, 218; and Florida, 72.
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David Blaine invades NY
Thrill-seeking magician David Blaine's latest stunt, takes place in an 8-foot water bubble. He is expected to stay in there for a week, supported by an oxygen tube and is featured at the Lincoln Center. In a week, he will remove the tube and attempt to hold his breath longer than the record of 8 minutes 58 seconds.
He also will try to escape from 150 pounds of chains and handcuffs during the breath-holding finale, which will air live in a two-hour ABC special, "David Blaine: Drowned Alive," on May 8 (8 p.m. EDT).
If you're curious, he will be fed and relieve himself through tubes. The water is crystal clear so come by at a right time and maybe you can catch him making bathroom faces...
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Below the Border
A bloody new pc video game, called Border Patrol is stirring a lot of unneeded controversy within the Mexican community. The timing couldn't be worst for an immature stunt like this; at a time when illegal immigrants are trying to come to terms with the government.
The game encourages players to kill "Mexican nationalist", "drug smuggler" and "breeder" (pregnant woman with two children). It's also very violent, as blood splatters after each kill. Though in a very sensitive state, we shouldn't allow pranks like this to alter our missions or opinions. For research purposes, the game can be downloaded here.
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