"Damn son...I need a Job..."
"Ain't nobody tryna hire no Felon..." One of a million excuses used by ex-offenders, I know I've heard it before, even though there's some truth to it, doesn't mean the block is your only option. Be serious, anyone still holding on to Crack Dreams is living in the past. I'm not trying to preach, i'm trying to kick that -ish you need to learn though. I understand supply and demand but I love my freedom, Check the scoreboard..we ain't winning. Like ya boy 50 Cent said,
'You're better off working for minimum wage, if you calculate the amount of time you spend on the block, plus the time that you could or did spend in jail'. It's simple math.
The New York City Dept of Labor provides special services to ex-offenders, in which hiring you is actually beneficial to the employer. They provide these companies that hire ex-offenders with bonds and tax breaks. It doesn't take much to get back on your feet, you did time, working a few months might not kill you. Collect that income tax money, and then think legit business or Real Estate. Sounds way better than 3 hots and a cot!