In an effort to boost up security and prevent an attack on New York City subways, the NYPD will dispatch over two dozen German shepherd dogs to guard subway stations and sniff out explosives. The dogs are currently being trained to perform the task, which will include rescue operations, in searching for victims in case of an attack.
It's a great way to keep on the offensive on the war on terror, a far cry from the unorganized bag search the NYPD implemented. Additionally, 34 more dogs will be performing similar duties on the street. We're also approaching the 5th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, which is more reason to take a serious approach.
The City Council sided with Mayor Bloomberg in his Trash disposal plan. The plan calls for the construction of four marine transfer stations, eliminating the use of hundreds of garbage trucks and eliminating an estimated 3.5 million miles a year driven by garbage trucks. Also included in the plan is the development of a new major recycling center on a pier on the Hudson River Park in Manhattan near Gansevoort Street. The new plan seems very solid, and could possibly work, it also makes each borough responsible for its own trash. The down side is that this new cleaner system raises the cost of disposing of our garbage to $107 per ton from $77...and also sounds like this could eliminate ALOT of jobs, though they may keep people, it would be a huge change.
More GREAT news for New York! The IRS has approved of New York City's plan to grant $1.5 billion of tax-exempt bonds for the New York Yankees and Mets to build new stadiums. YES! that means each team will build new stadiums, but don't worry you wont' have to go too far to catch your favorite team, the Yankees will build their new stadium in the Bronx just north of the existing Yankee Stadium, while the Mets will build their new home right in Flushing, Queens, just beyond the centerfield fence at Shea Stadium.
The New York Yellow Cabbie is turning 100 yrs old. How will they celebrate? Well by painting flowers on the signature yellow cars. Don't laugh just yet, the drawings will be painted on by kids from schools and hospitals, as part of a project called "Garden in Transit". The kids will begin drawing in September and the paintings will run thru 2007.
Most people evacuate during or before war, but a group of over 200 Jews, including 21 families from New York, boarded a plane to Isreal...with a one way ticket. The trip was organized by Nefesh B'Nefesh, an organization promoting "mass North American immigration to Israel". More than 3000 Jews from North America And Britain are expected to make the move this
A Trinidadian comedian was shot and critically wounded while on vacation in Brooklyn, New York. A case of wrong place, wrong time, as the comedians car pulled up to a red light, a shoot-out ensued between two rival gangs, leaving Louis Antoine with 2 bullet wounds to his shoulder. The comedian is in stabilised but "guarded" condition.
In crazy celeb news, Britney Spears and "K-Fed" are renewing their vows because "They want to stop all the gossip"?...but thats before I read this...and why the hell would she do this?? And Justin Timberlake...a drug user!?, that's a curveball for you, but then that explains this...and isn't it nice to be rich! Tom Cruise ordered a private jet to buy groceries for his wifey's cravings!! Bobby & Whitney are still trying to convince us their marriage is still intact...Janet Jackson's giving fans the opportunity to design her new album cover. Fred Durst, is getting ready to tie the knot with his mystery girlfriend...and finally blonde princess Nicole Richie took the phrase "shop till you drop" way too serious.
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