Today marks the 10th anniversary of the heart-wrenching TWA flight 800 tragedy. 10 years ago to this day, flight 800 exploded in a fireball only minutes after taking off from Kennedy Airport, raining down debris onto the Atlantic Ocean.
230 people lost their lives on the paris-bound flight that day. Families and friends of victims have literally leaned on each other for support during this past decade. The gathering took place on a white-sandy beach near where the accident occured. A memorial took place, followed by a prayer service, concluded with a candle lit ceremony with the assistance of a U.S. Coast Guard aircraft fly-by. The sad night ended with the placement of a memorial-wreath in the ocean.
Nicholas Minucci, 20, was convicted and sentenced to 15 years, in the Howard Beach bat attack. Minucci's attack on a black victim was labeled a hate-crime, thus the stiff sentence.
The state Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics seems to believe it is "ethically permissable" for Judges to bare arms while on duty. I mean, isn't the court's security system a little ridiculously on-point as is? Doesn't make one bit of sense.
For all those affected by the flooding in the Mohawk Valley and southern tier of New York counties, members of the New York State Bar Association are providing free legal services to help those affected and neglected.
An Upstate New York man is bringing summer-time beauty to us 365 days a year. Steve Lowes is growing coral reefs in his basement. The one time coral reef hobbyist, is now profiting more than one would think off these salt-water species. Get this, the coral reef industry was estimated at $6.9 billion in 2005.
AND finally, a power outage left an A-train was stranded in Far Rockaway, Queens today,leaving people helpless in over 90-degree temperature. Isn't this like everybody's nightmare? This might cause a change in your early morning commute tomorow, so take heed.
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