Our mayor, and potential presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg, announced yesterday that he will donate $125 million of his own money towards new anti-smoking campaign targeting tobacco worldwide.
The $125 million will go to existing organizations, over two years, to enforce anti-smoking measures. Plans include cash for programs that help smokers quit and educate children to prevent them from starting, funds to push for smoking bans and higher tobacco taxes in other cities, states and countries, and money for a system to track global tobacco use and the effectiveness of anti-smoking efforts.
Already in New York, Bloomberg has banned smoking in bars and restaurants, and has the health department working hard on anti-smoking campaigns, including giving out free nicottine-patches. This is a great PR move for Bloomberg, but also comes with great intentions. Behind every great leader is a great cause, Bloomberg has chosen his fight, and I think he's going to ride it all the way to the white house.
New Jersey State Attorney General, Zulima Farber, 61, resigned yesterday after a report was released that says Farber acted unethically, after she arrived at the scene of her live-in boyfriend, Hamlet Goore's traffic stop in May. Goore's van was found to be improperly registered and his license appeared to be suspended, his girlfriend, NJ Attorney General, got him off the hook. I mean, I know she's not the only politician doing favors, she's just the only one that got caught. Lol...Live-in boyfriend....she's too old for that.
City Officials plan on releasing today, a massive amount of documentary records from 9/11, including over 1,600 emergency calls. About 31 of these calls are reported to be from firefighters and civilians who were inside the towers. Most calls are just seconds long, except for one, from Melissa Doi, who was trapped in the south tower. Doi, speaks with an operator and asks to get in contact with her mother, because she believes she is dying. This comes from a 4 minute recording that was used as evidence in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the rest of the 24-minute call will be released today. Melissa Doi apparently died during the phone call.
Boy George reported for community service on Monday, and of course the New York media is not making this easy for him. George, was sentenced to community service for wasting police time in an incident that occured earlier this year.
Even the NYPD's trying to keep up with rappers, Police officials will be test-driving the new Dodge Chargers with V-8 engines to see if the car can withstand tough New York City streets. If chosen, the Charger could replace hundreds of patrol cars in the city's 3,000-vehicle patrol fleet.
Census figures, released earlier this week show that immigrants and their children make up 60% of New York City's population.
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