SuperModel Naomi Campbell was a no-show at a scheduled appearance in a NYC court today, to respond to charges of assault, on her maid. Campbell's lawyers couldn't even offer an excuse for her absence...$$ talks.
The baby daughter of Hip-Hop legend Rev. Run and his wife, Justine, has died at birth. Victoria Anne Simmons, died at birth due to complications, including being born with her organs outside of her body.
Now, you can locate Wi-Fi hot-spots throughout the city, using's Interactive Map Portal. Its very easy to use, fast and also helps locate other agency's such as schools and police departments.
Gazi Abura, 21, of Astoria, is the next idiot on the YouTube screen. Abura and two other unidentified men posed as cops and randomly searched people on the streets, while recording it. The trio of wanna-be cops, allegedly harrased a 31-yr old male and a 14-yr old boy in 2005, while donning fake badges.
The video has been pulled off YouTube, after the younger victim saw it and reported it. Abura now faces up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine. He alleges that everyone was in on the prank, even the victims, but after having all his school mates discover the video, the boy became embarrased and reported it.
The Bloomberg Administration and the MTA have reached an agreement on the redevelopment of the West-Side Railyards. The 13-acre railyard on the west side of 11th Avenue between 30th and 33rd Streets will be rezoned for high-rise development, and sold through a bidding process.
Authorities in Suffolk, conducted a Dirty Bomb drill today to test the county's preparedness, to such an attack.
Debra Rigano, 48, the niece of a former top school administrator, was sentenced to 2-6 years in prison after admitting to stealing more than $850,000 from the Roslyn School District. Rigano has paid back $75,000 and is selling a home to repay the debt.
A Long Island grade-school teacher is under the hot seat after being found in possession of child pornography. Michael Reiner, 46, was caught at the Canadian border with 45,000 images on his computer. Sick.
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ReachNYC's Top 5 Traveling Tunes:
1) Jibbs - Chain Hang Low
2) Diddy ft. Nicole Scherzinger - Come To Me
3) Young Dro - Rubber Band Banks
4) Akon ft Snoop Dogg - I Wanna Love You
5) Tego Calderon ft Don Omar - Chillin
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This Friday, will mark the first ever OneWebDay, with a gathering of the masses being orchestrated in Battery Park. The event kicks off at noon, with Guest speakers such as Craig Newmark (craigslist) and Gale Brewer (NYC City Council), along with music and many more surprises.
Every one is invited to come in with their wireless devices and participate in the celebration of the web. will join in the festivities, we look forward to meeting our viewers and all of New York's web users. Just look for the people with the '' shirts and politic!
Where: The Battery, near Castle Clinton (great spot!)
When: Friday, 9/22, noon to 2pm
Who: Speakers will include Craig Newmark (craigslist), Scott Heiferman (Meetup), Drew Schutte (WIRED), Gale Brewer (NYC City Council), and others.
Subway: 4/5 to Bowling Green, R/W to Whitehall Street, 1 to South Ferry.
Bus: M1, M6, M15 to South Ferry.
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Words can't express how you feel about (we know...), well call us up and leave us a voice-comment for FREE! All you have to do is call (641)-985-7800 and enter 738468, and leave any comments, questions or suggestions that you have, that may help improve your experience with You can even use it to invite people to your events! Best of all, your comments are posted on the site, for all to hear! (take a look on the right side)
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ReachNYC's Top 5 Traveling Tunes:
1) The Game - One Blood
2) Mary J. Blige - Take Me As I Am
3) Jim Jones - We Fly High
4) Justin Timberlake Ft T.I. - My Love
5) NickelBack - RockStar
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Congratulations to the NY Mets, who clinched their first division title since 1988.
Wondering about the whereabouts of Jay-z' right-hand man, Damon Dash? Well...he's enjoying retirement apparently.
Media princess, Lindsay Lohan, reportedly fell and broke her wrist at NY Fashion Week event.
"We want to reward those who have the initiative to go out and try to make their lives better, and if the system is stacked against them making their lives better, that's what we're trying to change," Bloomberg said.
This idea, which has proven affective in Brazil and Mexio is not etched in stone, but could very well be put into effect. Reward details, such as amounts and qualifications are still being worked out. The cash reward will not come from the gov't, but from private funds the city hopes to raise. The City is also looking to help ease the burdens of expensive child care, and creating more apprenticeships in areas like hospitals. We will keep you posted as more details unfold, this is a very positive step in helping the poor of New York. It's getting ugly out here, its about time someone intervened.
Craig Newmark, creator of Craigslist, wants all of NYers to meet up at Battery park this Friday and celebrate Web-Day. Web-Day was inspired by Earth day, and is a celebration of the web, and what it means to everyone. Sounds fun.
A survey by the New York City Health Department has found that nearly 10 percent of male participants who identified themselves as "straight" reported having sex with at least one man during the previous year.
Al Qaida is sending strong messages to Muslims, to evacuate NYC and Washington. They also reported that Bin Laden will release a tape within the next two weeks...if that happens...then I think its time to step our defensive game up.
Congratulations to the owners of New York's Rose Bar, they actually grew the cojones to deny Paris Hilton entry into the club. Apparently, they are trying to keep the hotspot exlclusive, and don't want to attract a generic paparazzi scene.
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To much anticipated fanfare, Apple unveiled their new generation of Ipods today, with greater features, longer battery life...and finally lower prices.
The biggest physical changes came from the Ipod Shuffle, which went from the size of a stick of gum to a gray cube with a clip in the back. The shuffle is only available in 1-gig capacity, and retails for $79
The Ipod Nano was given new life, with various colors to choose from - silver, pink, green, and blue — but only if you get the 4-GB version (now just $199). The 2-gig Nano, only comes in silver. Apple also boosted the Nano's battery life, now with upto 24 hours of play time. They also unveiled a new 8-gig Nano, which is only available in black, and retails for $249.
As for the O.G. Ipod, Apple stepped their game up a little bit, and upgraded it to 80-gig. They also increased the brightness on the screens 40%, and increased battery life. This Video Ipod retails at $349, so you get more gigs for less money. As for the 30-gig, the price was also reduced to $249, other than the improvements on brightness and battery this one is still the same.
Here is Apples latest commercial:
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For those of you who keep up with Jimmy Kimel's late night show, then you know that for this entire season, he has ended every episode by saying "Apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time". Kimel has been saying this for no reason, but he's repeated it so much that its become a funny joke. Ironically, Matt Damon, was really scheduled to appear on the show, and unfortunately for Matt, they ran out of time...he didn't take it so well...
(This was all a joke, Matt Damon, was just being a good sport and going along with the joke)
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News Around The City
The NYPD, with the help of the RIAA helped orchestrate a raid on one of the largest CD burning labs and movie pirating labs in the country. Police confiscated about 40,000 bootlegged discs and hundreds of cds and dvds.
96 people have been charged in a $1 million a year drug-ring, that smuggled drugs in kids toys and sometimes even used kids to handle drop-offs. 81 of the suspects are in custody, police seized more than 10 pounds of cocaine, thousands of dollars and four guns, including a loaded assault weapon.
First Lady, Laura Bush will be in New York sometime next week. The Presidents wife will spend 3 days in the Big Apple, hosting a handful of events.
The New York State Health Department says seven people in New York State have gotten sick with E. Coli, after consuming bagged spinach. New York State is one of 20 states linked to the E. Coli outbreak.
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Did You Know?
John Hertz, who founded the Yellow Cab Company in 1907, chose yellow because he had read a study conducted by the University of Chicago that indicated it was the easiest color to spot.
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Apparently, MySpace is more than just "a place for friends", Heather Kane, is under arrest for allegedly plotting to kill a female that appeared on her boyfriends MySpace page.
More fun for you 9-5er's, here's a game poking fun at Mel Gibson's DUI bust...its pretty hilarious!
A Brooklyn mom is threatening to stage a "nurse-in" outside the Toys R' Us flagship store in Times Square, after allegedly being harrased by staff, while breast-feeding her infant son.
On Tuesday, Sept. 19, President Bush will be speaking at the United Nations. On Tuesday, Sept. 19, United for Peace and Justice planned a protest even though the NYPD denied their request for a permit and could face jail time. This morning NYPD officials sang a different tune, when they announced that UJP will be given a permit to march. UPJ will hold a demonstration protesting the war on Iraq.
"Assemble: 9 am at 6th Avenue and 37th Street
March: Begins at 9:30 am
We will march north on 6th Avenue to 47th Street, then east on 47th Street to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza between 2nd and 1st Avenues (across the street from the UN). Bring your signs and banners, your chants and songs. Let's be visible and loud! Please note: We have agreed to march on the sidewalks for this demonstration.
Rally: 11 am to 12 noon at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza"
This will be an interesting event, regardless of which side of the fence you are on. The government is good at downplaying protests, but these guys seem serious.
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Nintendo held a press conference today, for their new gaming system Wii. Here's the rundown...literally.
Speaking of reality tv..cast & crew members of CSI: New York found human remains in the same building where filming was taking place.
Apparently, every dog has his day...Dog the Bounty Hunter, who's claim to fame is locking people up, now finds himsef behind bars after the much celebrated arrest of Max Factor cosmetics heir Andrew Luster, in Mexico. Luster was wanted for rape, and is now serving a 124-year term. Reportedly, Bounty Hunting is illegal in Mexico.
So much for "every vote counts"...Three Princeton University professors designed and tested software to hack a Diebold electronic voting machine. This brings to question, President Bush's debut election, and even echoes this years Mexican presidential election where the same incident occured.
The professors came to a shocking conclusion that with just a screwdriver, flashcard and basic computer knowledge, you could hack the system in less than a minute. Even scarier is the fact that they were able to come up with a virus that could spread such tactics between machines.
While many people balked at conspiracy theorists that believed the Bush elections were fixed, this lends some credibility to that theory. About 80 percent of voters are expected to use some form of electronic voting in the upcoming election, which will decide the makeup of the full House of Representatives as well as a third of Senate seats and more than half the governorships.
Here is video of how the hacking works:
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Pixel advertising is a visual advertisement on the web which has its cost calculated dependent on the number of pixels which it occupies. Pixel advertising has been proven as an effective means of communicating brands to target markets, while being easy on your budget. You could almost not afford to not use our service. is offering all businesses the chance to try this service for free.
To participate in this offer, please send a 20x20 pixel logo, along with the desired URL, to No adult, hacking, spam, misleading, and/or illegal websites. Read entire press-release.
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In a big surprise to NOONE, Whitney Houston has officially filed for divorce from her husband, singer, Bobby Brown.
The Dixie Chicks, once country-darlings, turned Bush-bashers are at it again, redeeming their earlier anti-bush comments, by stating 'What a dumb f---.''
The New York Blood Center reports there is a critical community-wide blood shortage in the New York City, New Jersey, Long Island and Hudson Valley areas. If you can donate, schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-933-BLOOD or go to
Following the 5th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, made his opinion public about the attacks during a speech.
"The hypothesis that is gaining strength," Chavez said, "is that it was the same US imperial power that planned and carried out this terrible attack against its own people and against citizens of all over the world."
Chavez, an outspoken critic of the US, who once called President Bush a "drunk", did not assert that the US government was behind 9/11, but didn't rule it out either. He also noted that a building would not collapse in that way unless explosives were involved.
"Why? To justify the aggressions that immediately were unleashed on Afghanistan, on Iraq," he added.
A gunman dressed in fatigues and a black trench coat, opened fired on a Montreal college campus, leaving 6 victims in critical condition, and two others are listed as "serious". Overall 13 people were injured, including the gunman who turned the gun on himself.
NYPD is blaming a fentanyl-laced heroin that is making its way across the US, for 23 drug-related deaths so far this year. This seems to be serious, as Chicago has over 170 reported deaths in just one year.
Raymond Vidot, 29, known in his Bronx resident as a 'joker', pulled his last stunt, when he danced his way into the path of city bus.
Neighborhoods surrounding both major NYC airports are on the verge of recieving a make-over. Overall, about $40 million will go to improving access to these airports, and an improvement in scenery around these areas, by adding trees along roads.
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Here is a never before-released video of the WTC attacks. This has to be the clearest and most detailed video surrounding the terrorist attack on the towers. The video is graphic in depicting the collapse of the first tower.
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John Gotti Jr is obviously nothing like his old man, but who would have ever expected the alleged crime boss to have aspirations of writing childrens books?
Former NJ Governor James E. McGreevey, has broken his 2-year silence since announcing that he is "a gay american". McGreevey appeared on Oprah, and taped a segment that everyone is being tight lipped about. The former Governor appeared on Oprah to promote his upcoming book "The Confession".
In a rumored report, over 10 Stingrays have been found killed since the death of Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin was reported. Fans seem to miss him so much, they've even created a game, in which Irwin battles Stingrays underwater...and screams "Crickey" everytime he's injured.
An Oil executive has donated $100 million to NYC's Yeshiva University.
A new FBI facility in Germany will be named in honor of a former chief of the agency's counterterrorism section who was killed in the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack. John O'Neill, O'Neill retired from the FBI weeks before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to take a job as head of security for the World Trade Center, and sadly, 9/11 was his first day on the job.
Six Counterterrorism detectives, put themselves in terrorists shoes to see how easy it would be to obtain materials to make a bomb. The result was that in four months time and with just $7,000 you can create a bomb more than half the size of the one used in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh.
In an eerie chain of events, the Sanitation Department has lost one worker for three consecutive Mondays. The latest, Allen Gormely, 53, died of a heart attack while on duty.
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The WWE was in town this week, for Monday Night Raw, I haven't paid attention to wrestling since Stone Cold Steve Austin (does he still wrestle?), so I was surprised to see these in my inbox. Thought some of you might enjoy them. (Thanks to E. Rodriguez)
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