Congratulations to the NY Mets, who clinched their first division title since 1988.
Wondering about the whereabouts of Jay-z' right-hand man, Damon Dash? Well...he's enjoying retirement apparently.
Media princess, Lindsay Lohan, reportedly fell and broke her wrist at NY Fashion Week event.
The People's Mayor?
"We want to reward those who have the initiative to go out and try to make their lives better, and if the system is stacked against them making their lives better, that's what we're trying to change," Bloomberg said.
This idea, which has proven affective in Brazil and Mexio is not etched in stone, but could very well be put into effect. Reward details, such as amounts and qualifications are still being worked out. The cash reward will not come from the gov't, but from private funds the city hopes to raise. The City is also looking to help ease the burdens of expensive child care, and creating more apprenticeships in areas like hospitals. We will keep you posted as more details unfold, this is a very positive step in helping the poor of New York. It's getting ugly out here, its about time someone intervened.
Craig Newmark, creator of Craigslist, wants all of NYers to meet up at Battery park this Friday and celebrate Web-Day. Web-Day was inspired by Earth day, and is a celebration of the web, and what it means to everyone. Sounds fun.
A survey by the New York City Health Department has found that nearly 10 percent of male participants who identified themselves as "straight" reported having sex with at least one man during the previous year.
Al Qaida is sending strong messages to Muslims, to evacuate NYC and Washington. They also reported that Bin Laden will release a tape within the next two weeks...if that happens...then I think its time to step our defensive game up.
Congratulations to the owners of New York's Rose Bar, they actually grew the cojones to deny Paris Hilton entry into the club. Apparently, they are trying to keep the hotspot exlclusive, and don't want to attract a generic paparazzi scene.