Every video game gives you the option to save the world from mass destruction at the hands of some alien life...in comes Gears Of War, with that exact same story line, except this isn't your grand daddy's rifle your equipped with.
Former war hero, Marcus Fenix takes the always strenuous job of saving the world, alongside his fire team, who thanks to new technology called Unreal Engine 3,provide more human-like characters and surroundings. Every detail is on point, even the slightest items are colorfully defined.
Not only is the game play intense and in your face, the new look and feel of next generation gaming begins with Gears Of War. Enemies and Allies alike are smarter and spontaneous, no more computerized dummies. Gears Of War also takes Xbox Live to the next level. Gamers will be able to experience individualized matchmaking, view player statistics, earn player achievements, customize their games, and build and personalize their gamer profiles.
Verdict: MUST BUY!
I couldn't resist not posting the commercial for Gears Of War...the song is too catchy.
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Gears Of War (Xbox 360)
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