Senator Chuck Schumer is sending out a public warning, advising people who use no-swipe credit cards, to be wary of high-tech thieves who purchase radio frequency readers that can literally swipe your credit card information right from under your nose. No-swipe credit cards use radio frequency ID technology that allows users to pay for products by simply swiping their credit cards. While major credit card companies offer the latest technology in fraud prevention, Schumer is calling for more awareness.
A top NY Hospital has took a step forward in helping obese teenagers, by being one of the first in the nation to open a center specifically to perform drastic "belly band" surgery on overweight kids. The Center for Adolescent Bariatric Surgery at Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian will have performed 10 operation by years end, with more than 40 scheduled by spring.
The New York Cares organization is kicking off its 18th annual coat drive. It will be distributing coats to more than 50 residents of the Bowery Mission homeless shelter, early today. The coat drive helps keeps many homeless people with warm layers of clothing, during the harsh winter season. Their goal is to collect 70,000 coats by New Years Day. Collection sites include police precincts and Manhattan's Grand Central Terminal, Pennsylvania Station and Port Authority Bus Terminal.
20 Cool things to do in NY this Christmas....from a Scotsman.
Food Safety Inspectors have been running into some pretty exotic meats while inspecting stores in NYC. Everything from Armadillos to smoked rodents have been cited by health officials as illicit foods being sold throughout the city. New York is such an ethnically diverse city, prompting the surge in supply and demand in foreign foods.
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