Would you name your child 'Brooklyn' for free pizza?
Breaking news! Not only does Domino's deliver great pizza, they're marketing genius'. In honor of Domino's BRKLYN (Brooklyn-style pizza), Domino's Pizza will throw a pizza party for every family that names their child, born on February 29, 2008, Brooklyn. Additionally, the family of the first child named Brooklyn born in the continental U.S. on Leap Day will receive $1,000 in pizza gift certificates. Any spelling of Brooklyn will be accepted.
Consumers who name their child Brooklyn (who is born on February 29) should contact Chantele Telegadas at 734-930-3451 or chantele.telegadas@dominos.com.It's amazing what 4-year's of school will do for you. I would love to personally meet the genius who created this campaign....Man I miss Lil Caesar's.