Russell Simmons vs. Eliot Spitzer
“Not only will I campaign against him," Simmons said over the phone. "I’m going to campaign for a change in those laws and he is going to have to stand up and explain why he promised the state of New York that he is going to make this change and when he got in office, he pushed it to the side.”
“We know Eliot Spitzer has to be our target," he added.
The law Mr. Simmons is referring to is the Rockefeller Drug Law, which Simmon's think is hurting minorities more than ever with harsh drug sentences for even first time offenders. Simmons has been campaigning to reform the Rockefeller Drug Laws for Years! We were even in attendance at the Reform summit held by Russell Simmons and The Hip-Hop Action Summit Network, a few years back.This is going to get interesting. I know a whole lot of people who are dying to hear the Governor's response. [Source]