"It's Time To Move On"
New Jersey Nets star point-guard Jason Kidd wants out, and he's making no secret about it. After losing 9-straight games, including a loss to the Minnesota T'wolves (the worst team in the league), J-Kidd made no effort to hide his distaste for playing on this team.
"It's time for us all to move on. Sometimes, when you ride a wave, you get to the end and that's all there is. That's where we are," Kidd said in the interview.
"It used to be if I got a triple-double, that was an automatic win. That's just not the case now. We tried to make this work. We've found out it doesn't. It's time for us all to move on.''
I could see Kidd playing for his old team, the Dallas Mavericks, but the Nets seem adamant in getting something of equal value in return, something few teams have to offer. One things for sure, if Kidd does not get traded before the trade deadline in a few weeks, he will be making a lot of peoples lives a living hell.