
Thank You Michael Jordan

When I posted the contest for the Air Jordan XXIII (23), I thought I would just receive a local buzz, and get a bump in the number of readers, but thanks to Michael Jordan, other blogs, and last but not least, the viewers, ReachNYC.com is one of the fastest growing blogs.

News of the contest spread fast! Viewers from California to Japan tuned in to see what all the fuss was about. As far as viewers are concerned, I couldn't have asked for more. ReachNYC.com literally had the whole world's attention for 4 full days.

Thanks to the following people for supporting reachNYC.com
  1. StyleDash
  2. Zilla Says
  3. GoWhere Hip-Hop
  4. Starboyant
  5. Inside SunnySide
  6. You, the viewer